
The Joy and Heartache of Being a Pastor’s Wife

The Joy and Heartache of Being a Pastor’s Wife

Cheryl Flannery, Copyright 2020

I have been blessed to serve in the local church for 30 years, not as a ministry leader but as the spouse of a ministry leader. I love the life and ministry the Lord has graciously led us into and still have a deep longing to make an eternal impact for the glory of God. However, there are unique challenges to full-time ministry: many pastors’ wives experience a sense of loneliness and isolation for a variety of reasons. For someone in leadership, it is often rare to find a group where it is safe to share their heart openly and honestly.

A Lifeline In The Darkness

A Lifeline In The Darkness

Ann Spooner, MSS, LSW, Copyright 2020

There is an old war saying, “The darkest hour is right before the dawn.” Sometimes in our lives, it seems as if the darkest hour is actually right before it goes completely black! Many of us have heard testimonies of how God healed someone or answered prayers for marriages or finances in powerfully positive ways. But what if you are living in prolonged agony where circumstances are not changing? How do you keep from despairing? God wants to give you a lifeline in the midst of your darkness so you may have hope.

Thoughts from Counselor Ann Spooner: To Stay Away or Draw Near?

Thoughts from Counselor Ann Spooner: To Stay Away or Draw Near?

Ann Spooner, Copyright 2020

For many weeks now, we have repeatedly heard the importance of social distancing for the sake of ourselves and others. This is necessary and wise counsel. However, it can lead to a sense of isolation and loneliness. Even as we begin to see more friends and family, not being able to hug them can still leave a void.

The Contractions of Winter

The Contractions of Winter

Dr. Penny Freeman, Originally published December 2016

Holidays set the bar high for crashing afterwards. We long for a feast that invites us to feel both full and at home. To enter a house feeling the welcome of belonging. To hope for laughter, warmth, joy and delicious food (that is what commercials are selling during the televised breaks during the parade after all). 

To hold these feelings is to enjoy the glory we were created for in Paradise. But no matter how good your family is, there is no family or food that can live up to the expectations our souls seem to crave.