Our Mission
We exist to revive, restore and resource ministry leaders and their families, enabling them to pursue health and excellence in their call to ministry.
ServingLeaders offers care, resources and counseling to vocational and lay ministry leaders. We strategically come alongside those who serve the Body of Christ.
About servingleaders
Ministry leaders play a very strategic role in the life, health and growth of the local and worldwide church. They exercise tremendous responsibility, exert powerful influence in their communities, and can have a profound impact on culture. The health of a ministry or congregation is directly affected by the health of its leaders.
But who cares for ministry leaders and their families? There are precious few safe places to address problems confidentially without criticism or judgment.
Having witnessed firsthand the pressures of ministry and the devastation that can result from a lack of pastoral care for ministry leaders, Dave Wiedis founded ServingLeaders 2007. Since then, ServingLeaders has had the privilege of serving thousands of ministry leaders and their families through pastoral care, counseling, ministry coaching, mediation, legal consultations, seminars, retreats, and more.
“It is my perception that 80-90% of all pastors are in ‘survival mode.’ Every one of us who has served any time in the ministry knows the battering and bruising that come with being a spiritual leader. Often we have been stripped of our dignity and do not know which way to turn, nor who to talk to, to find encouragement. Often we are driven to pray in silence…”
What We Do
Confidential Pastoral Care: Healing and encouragement for those in the storm of ministry.
Individual, Marriage, and Family Counseling: Creating connection and shaping a Godly response to personal and family challenges.
Seminars: Training for ministry leaders, teams, staff members, and congregations. Topics include: Avoiding Burnout and Flameout, Cultivating Emotional Health, An Inoculation Against Sexual Misconduct, Avoiding Leadership Failure, and more.
Missionary Care: Comprehensive services for missionaries, their families, and their teams, including counseling, oversight and coaching for field leadership, debriefing, collaboration with Human Resources services, and more.
Soul Care Intensives: Powerful coaching for anyone in ministry who feels like they are at a point of tension, exhaustion, and/or disorientation.
Ministry Coaching and Consulting: Tools to achieve professional and personal goals.
Vocational and Career Coaching: Discover areas of passion, gifting and strength; identify career and vocational options; and land an opportunity to best utilize your unique wiring and skills.
Conflict Resolution and Relational Mediation: Helping individuals and staff members resolve conflict to healthy resolution, restoration, and Christ-like relationship.
Legal Consultations and Referrals: Guidance to navigate complex legal issues.
Abuse Prevention, Help, and Healing: Resources to better protect Church members, understand the emotional and spiritual impact of abuse, and care effectively for those who are suffering.
Free or Low-Cost Retreats: Refreshing experiences and opportunities to cultivate solitude away from the tyranny of the urgent.
“At first I was hesitant to participate in counseling with ServingLeaders, fearful of heavy-handed absolutes being applied broadly and blindly to sensitive personal struggles. I was afraid of what it would mean for me to ‘need counseling’ but knew that there were areas on my course with Christ dogged by painful vestiges of the past which had become unwelcome intrusions into Godly work.
Once I became willing to move forward in this direction, I found the experience of counseling with ServingLeaders to be incredibly refreshing, generously grace-filled, and powerfully transformative. Although I didn’t want to admit at first that I was struggling under the pressure of ministry life, being able to talk about what I was going through with immensely capable people who ‘met me where I was at’ created for me an unprecedented arena in which issues affecting my ministry could be unearthed, examined, processed, and redeemed.”