Sexual Abuse Happens...Even in The Church
Abuse impacts not only survivors and their parents but also friends and ministry leaders who work unknowingly alongside a perpetrator. ServingLeaders aims to equip the Church to better protect its members, understand the emotional and spiritual impact of abuse, and care effectively for those who are suffering.
We offer:
Interactive training workshops for ministry teams (see full descriptions below)
Coaching and support for ministry teams and congregations following an instance of abuse
Counseling for survivors, family members, and ministry leaders
Mediation for adult survivors seeking to confront abusers
If your congregation has suffered a devastating instance of sexual abuse, our team is prepared to come alongside your ministry staff and members in the road to healing. To learn more, please fill out our Confidential Inquiry Form or call 484-254-6559.
schedule training for your team
Ann Bacon Spooner, MSS, LSW
Trauma and Sexual Abuse Consultant
Prevent and Prepare for Abuse: Interactive Training for Ministry Teams with Ann Spooner, MSS, LSW
With over 20 years of experience counseling survivors of abuse, Ann’s ardent desire is to equip church leaders to deal with the reality of the messiness of sexual abuse within the Church. Ann also provides support groups for parents, the secondary trauma survivors of abuse. Learn more about Ann.
“As the pastor of a church that has unfortunately had this dark reality devastate our faith community, I am excited to see training that can both prevent and mitigate sexual abuse. May God use this training to make those of us who have been called as pastors as wise as serpents and gentle as doves.” - Kevin Flannery, Sr. Pastor, Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA
Sample Training Content (Tailored to Your Team’s Needs)
Be Aware. A church of 200 members (100 men and 100 women) will have at least 41 child sexual abuse survivors. This equals 20.5% of your church membership.* Your congregation has many members already wounded by past abuse, and an occurrence could happen at any time—regardless of the protective measures you may have in place. We will explore important statistics, myths, and the profile of a perpetrator.
Be Prepared. When church leadership is caught off guard, healing becomes more difficult and those affected feel less protected. In addition to providing critical prevention strategies, a team evaluation of safety measures within each ministry, and mandated reporting requirements, we will help your ministry team explore seemingly contradictory biblical principles and the messy questions abuse poses. Pastors, ministry leaders and lay leaders will shepherd more effectively after examining their own emotional and spiritual reactions to sexual abuse before it affects their congregations.
Be Responsive. How can we better understand and care for those who have been impacted by abuse, either directly or indirectly? You team will learn how to respect and care for survivors and their loved ones. We will discuss helpful and not helpful comments, honoring boundaries, healthy self-care, support during legal proceedings and offering hope.
*GRACE April 20, 2016,
Dave Wiedis, J.D., MSCC
Executive Director of ServingLeaders, Counselor
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse: Training for Pastors and Ministry Leaders with Dave Wiedis, J.D., MSCC
With an extensive background in both law and church leadership, Dave equips ministry teams to navigate mandatory reporting requirements with confidence and clarity. He also coaches ministry teams in the wake of devastating instances of abuse and provides counsel and mediation for adult survivors wishing to confront abusers. Learn more about Dave.
“Prior to this seminar, I was vaguely familiar with mandatory reporting requirements, but unsure of what specifically should be reported or who to call. I had also heard that there were some caveats for clergy. Now, I am confident that I will know what to do should the need arise.” - Ministry Leader
Seminar Content
Every church has the moral and legal duty to protect those most vulnerable in society, especially our children. This seminar addresses the legal, ethical, and moral requirements of church members, pastors, and staff. Mandatory reporting as well as prevention of sexual abuse is covered in a detailed, systematic and engaging way. We will also address the nuanced distinction between the pastor serving as a counselor versus hearing the confession of congregants.
To learn more or schedule training for your ministry team, please fill out our Confidential Inquiry Form or call 484-254-6559.