“It is my perception that 80-90% of all pastors are in ‘survival mode.’ Every one of us who has served any time in the ministry knows the battering and bruising that comes with being a leader. Often we have been stripped of our dignity and do not know which way to turn, or who to talk to, to find encouragement. Often we are driven to pray in silence, and (maybe) confide in our spouses. The need for a confidant with wise and sympathetic counsel is a ‘screaming need!’ That God has called David Wiedis and ServingLeaders to enter into the lonely, broken places of pastors’ lives is a real gift to the body of Christ. From their own experiences, across many miles of travel, and in touching the many facets of ministry life, they have been prepared by God to come alongside Ministry Leaders in the name of Jesus Christ, Our Wounded Healer. ServingLeaders has worked alongside strong and successful leaders in the church, but knows the price they have paid behind the scenes.”
— Rev. John Guest, Founding Pastor, Christ Church at Grove Farm, Sewickley, PA
“I didn’t have very high expectations when I met with Dave. I thought I was going to get something clinical, technical, impersonal. I thought I was going to get the reinforcement of the isolation that I was already experiencing. But what I received was the Gospel. I could see that Dave cared. He cared about damaged and demoralized people, plagiarizing pastors like me. And he met me in my ministry and he extended to me anew God’s mercy. ”
— Pastor Brett Hartman
“ServingLeaders Ministries came alongside me and my family to counsel us through the [ministry leadership] transition. Having access to men like Dave Wiedis was an invaluable part of my experience. Through counseling, I have been able to identify red flags in my life, areas of growth needed, and best practices/techniques to help me make better decisions.”
— Reverend Rob Rodriguez
“Penny’s deep care for me and my wife has been some of the clearest evidence of God’s grace in my life. Penny has walked us through so many difficult moments, and we are undeniably more healthy and whole in marriage and ministry because of the ways God has used her. I like to phrase it this way: Paul states in 2 Corinthians 7:6, “But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus.” Similarly, God has used Penny to comfort us. One of God’s kindest gifts to us has been Penny in our lives.”
— Ajay Thomas, Pastor of Seven Mile Road Church
““I have experienced the toxic leadership phenomenon ... It caused me to doubt my calling and collapse in on myself, through pain, depression, and a great deal of confusion. Because of Dave and ServingLeaders I was able to go through a very difficult period in my life that would have normally wrecked an individual and taken him out of the ministry. I just want to thank ServingLeaders for all that they’ve done for me, and for being such an outstanding resource to help people stay in ministry, and thrive.”
— Matthew Pieters, Pastor of BridgePoint Church
“Before I met Dave and ServingLeaders I was operating in a really unhealthy way in my marriage, personal life and ministry. I came to a point where I was ready to call it quits in ministry and my marriage. I felt hopeless. Then my church set me up with ServingLeaders.
I was nervous when I thought about counseling, believing that I was just going to get beat up for not being the man I was supposed to be. But Dave was so different than I could have ever imagined. He came with grace and love and wanted to restore and build up, not tear down or point fingers. He wanted to get to the root of the issue in my heart. His goal was to get me to be a healthy leader. I saw failure, Dave saw hope, I felt lost, he saw an opportunity to grow in Christ and my marriage.
God has used Dave and ServingLeaders to not only radically change my personal life, marriage and ministry, but [my work with ServingLeaders] has impacted all of my leaders and staff as well. Since I’ve been healthy, my team is growing healthier. I’ve been able to teach what I have learned, but even more so, they can SEE it in my life.”
— Pastor Mark Stockeland, Executive Director of Haiti Bible Mission in Jeremie, Haiti
“After a painful season of disagreement and growing mistrust, ServingLeaders was instrumental in aiding our ministry staff team and Board of Directors to move toward one another in love and forgiveness. From the first meeting, I knew with surety that the reconciliation/repair process would be one of grace and truth.
Throughout the mediation the staff modeled gospel dynamics. There was individual homework followed by work with a ServingLeaders Counselor in preparation for a guided repair conversation with another party. I personally experienced gentleness, wisdom, and objectivity from my counselor along with their “mirror holding” when I was blinded by my personal assumptions and obtuse to my ugly behaviors.
ServingLeaders provided a confidential safe space and a thoughtful process for us to hear one another, care for one another, forgive one another, and be able to continue working and living in relationship with one another. I highly recommend this process. ”
— Mediation Client
“The glory of Christ and the joys of ministry are the heartfelt delights of the pastor. But every Christian leader learns early in his calling that the pastoral life is the way of the cross, which also travels rocky roads and stormy seas. Based on the privilege I have in serving with Dave Wiedis – an accomplished attorney, seasoned counselor, and faithful servant leader in Christ’s Church and Kingdom – I heartily recommend his God given gifts of wisdom and encouragement. Whether your spiritual journey is under dark clouds of adversity, or seeking the covenantal rainbow of God’s providential mercy, ServingLeaders offers a place of grace in time of need.”
— Dr. Peter A. Lillback, Founding Pastor, Proclamation Presbyterian Church, Bryn Mawr, PA and President, Westminster Theological Seminary, Glenside, PA
“ServingLeaders’ desire to serve, support and encourage pastors and Christian leaders is matched by their wisdom, insight, and theological depth. There is a great need to reach and encourage pastors and leaders who so often work in relative isolation with limited emotional or spiritual support. ServingLeaders has been a source for such support to me, and any Christian leader who finds him or herself in such a condition would be blessed by their fellowship and counsel.”
— S. Michael Craven, President, Center for Christ & Culture, Addison, TX
“My time spent with Dave put me far ahead of the curve in terms of taking responsibility and empathizing with all the people I have hurt. That is in large part thanks to you and your care and understanding when I was first working through everything. You are a huge blessing!”
— Client
“I consulted ServingLeaders professionally when I became overwhelmed with fear about my upcoming second marriage. My first 17-year marriage ended in divorce, a shattering experience for me. God has given my counselor so many gifts that make him an extraordinary counselor; his capacity for deep listening, his memory for detail, his ability to create a safe, non judgmental environment and his knowledge of God’s Word. It has been easy for me to put myself in his hands professionally because I can absolutely trust him to help lead me to God’s truth. Thank you for helping me to see myself and the Lord more clearly.”
— Client
“If it were not for a few godly mentors and friends the Lord placed in my life, I would not have survived as a pastor. Throughout the years, they motivated me, challenged me, and even corrected me. They spoke the truth to me in love. Their only desire—to help me be the servant, husband, and father God wanted me to become. That’s the vision Dave Wiedis has for ServingLeaders Ministries. Their heart of compassion and courage will make them a welcome friend and asset in any pastor’s life.”
— Clarence A. Johnson, Former Director of Church Relations Philadelphia Biblical University, Langhorne, PA
“We are grateful for you and for the ways the Lord used you to help us find healing and redemption in our marriage! We were so far apart emotionally and very stuck. You walked with us through some hard and actually very traumatic times in our relationship. We thank the Lord over and over for helping us through your ministry. Of course we still struggle at times! But we have so much more awareness of our own hearts and the impact of our past experiences, and that helps us to be able to relate to one another in healthier ways. So THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for your care and input in our lives!”