The Ripple Effect of Ministry
When one leader gets healthy, the ripple effect is profound and eternal.
Pastors and ministry leaders are on the front lines preaching, teaching, leading people to Christ and developing leaders for Kingdom impact throughout the world. They touch thousands—and ultimately through eternity, millions—of people with the Good News. At ServingLeaders our vision is to see healthy, transformed ministry leaders impact the body of Christ with a powerful, eternal ripple effect.
“Pastors and other ordained and lay leaders are probably the most overworked, yet overlooked, populations of our churches . . . Who cares for the caretakers of others souls so that they don’t get to this stage? Usually, no one.
That’s why I’m so excited about ServingLeaders Ministries. I’m impressed by Dave’s heart for others and his burden to minister to those who minister.”
“This ripple effect is the theme of ServingLeaders’ work. Our team spends a lot of time in one-on-one counseling sessions and meetings with pastors, ministry leaders and missionaries. It would be easy to look for the next ‘big opportunity’ or get caught up in the idea of gathering ‘experts’ and making the largest possible impact at once. However, in God’s economy it is often the small, personal, unseen moments that yield the greatest return—taking time to care for the one who will then go on to impact the many.”
- Dave Wiedis, Executive Director
Through God’s faithfulness and your generosity, 40,000 ministry leaders have been impacted by our services and seminars since 2007. Your partnership makes a difference in the health and effectiveness of pastors and ministry leaders every day.