Copyright Dr. Penny Nelson Freeman, 2024
This story began because of an accident in the summer of 2016. Thankfully my ribs are healed, but my spine is degenerating faster than I like, and pain is far more of a daily experience. This story chronicles growth as I learn how to manage my health as I age (although those who know me better than I know myself would say I still need to learn to stop moving furniture by myself). I see many my age still able to ‘do,’ and I wouldn’t be honest if I said I don’t envy them.
Copyright Laura Andrews, 2024
I didn’t attend a Christian school growing up, but I’ve heard stories about how chaperones at school dances would approach couples who were dancing too closely to remind them to “leave room for the Holy Spirit.” We chuckle at this, but I think the suggestion is appropriate in our difficult relationships, especially those where we have been hesitant to allow or create distance. A lack of “room” can make it harder to remember that there is a third “person” present.
One possible starting place is this question: What do you believe about God’s role and responsibilities in your relationships?
Copyright Joe Bruni, 2024
Not too long ago, I was talking to a ministry leader friend who had been through the ringer during the last few years. He was tired and had a sense of decision fatigue after navigating the tumultuous months and years of a pandemic, the culturally polarizing dynamics among his people during an election cycle, and a pastoral response to the concern for justice for racial and cultural minorities. He even felt beat up and betrayed by a group of people in his ministry who made accusations against him and left…
Copyright Laura Andrews, 2023
Ask several people how they feel about their plans to be with loved ones over the holidays and you will likely get a spectrum of reactions ranging from the positive—excitement and gratitude—to the negative, like apprehension, dread, apathy, or discouragement. Many might even express mixed feelings because their affection for those they see doesn’t override the painful interactions generated by their time together.
Over the years I’ve noticed that this relational pain is often the result of two common experiences…
Copyright Esther Frustino, 2023
Is someone you love planning an upcoming return from the mission field? Perhaps you are preparing to welcome a missionary family back to your congregation or an adult child back home from a season abroad. Returning from an extended time overseas can be deeply challenging for both the missionary and the family (or church family) receiving them.
In my last blog post, I discussed five tips I wished someone had shared with me while I transitioned back into American culture after living in Italy for two years. In this post, I speak primarily to those of you receiving loved ones back – whether family members, friends, or members of your congregations. May these suggestions empower you to best connect with loved ones during the difficulties of re-entry and set you apart as a source of support…
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