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Redeeming Power Conference with Dr. Diane Langberg

Gather with regional Christian leaders to gain understanding and be equipped to lead with the humility and wisdom of a true shepherd. Gain a theological and clinical framework for understanding how power operates, the effects of the abuse of power, and how power can be redeemed and restored to its proper God-given place in relationships and institutions. If you are in a position of leadership or influence in any sphere, this conference is for you.

The Details

Friday, 10/28/22, 7PM-9:30PM
Saturday, 10/29/22, 9AM-12:30PM

Victory Church, 2650 Audubon Rd., Audubon, PA 19403

This conference is for ANYONE, but in particular we invite local church leaders, parachurch leadership, board members, youth pastors, campus workers, volunteer church leaders and those preparing to serve the church in any capacity.

$30 which includes a free copy of Diane Langberg’s book: Redeeming Power and Understanding Authority and Abuse in the Church

The student rate is $10.

What To Expect

Friday and Saturday will include talks from our keynote speaker Dr. Diane Langberg as well as from Dr. Philip Monroe.

Both sessions will include Q&A opportunities too.

Friday’s Topics:

  1. Trauma as a Mission

  2. Power Defined, Abused, and Redeemed

Saturday’s Topics:

  1. Caring for People Recovering from Betrayal Trauma: Challenges and Opportunities

  2. Care for those Who Care for Others

  3. Lament: The First Step to Individual and Community Healing

Register here.